Sunday, 16 January 2011

Week 1 down… 46 more to go!


Hi, I'm Maria! I'm from the United States, but have been living in Germany for the last 5 1/2 years. This is my first time living in Switzerland and I'm so excited! I'm here with my 10-month old son, Noah, and husband, Joseph


Wow! It's so hard to believe that school has started and the first week is over with. There has been so much going on since we've moved to Lausanne, the time has just flown by! To help ease the transition to Lausanne, my husband and I decided to move here mid-December. Looking back, I'm really happy with we did this (… and really recommend this if you have a family). Before the intensity of the first week of school, we were able to settle in, get our bearings of our new neighborhood and even meet some of the other partners and MBA students who also arrived early.

Although many of us introduced ourselves via our super-active Facebook group before arriving to Lausanne, I decided to host an informal get-together at my place before school started. We had a great turn-out and even Marcella Rispo, our partner coordinator attended. It was a wonderful way to meet some of the partners who had arrived early and we were all excited to pick Marcella's brain on what to expect this year, as well as get some advice from her as she was a partner herself.

It really is hard to believe that the first week is over with. Between information sessions, lunches, parent sessions, organizational meetings, informal outings, everyday has been packed with activity and meeting new people! We are such a diverse group! Much of our time was spent organizing ourselves into committees and planning events so we can get to know each other better as well as learn from each other. Thankfully we have a shared calendar to keep track of all our dates. It is jam-packed with all sorts of fun things: museum visits, tea/coffee talks, cooking classes, mommy/baby play dates, lunches. If this last week is representative of what the year will be like, we are all in for a fun, busy and exciting year!


(picture from our informal partner get-together before school started)

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